

The Blessing of the Sabbath

What Is the Sabbath?

What Is the Sabbath?

In recent years numerous voices have pointed out society’s need for “technology sabbaths,” “smartphone sabbaths,” “family sabbaths,” and even “environmental sabbaths.” A common premise runs through all of these calls for sabbath rest—humanity and...

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Sabbath Rest and the Environment

Sabbath Rest and the Environment

The Bible describes the world that God created as “very good” (Genesis 1:31)—perfect in every way. The planet’s ideal and even climate, harmoniously interactive ecosystems, and pure environment sustained and nourished an astonishing array of plant...

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Sabbath Rest: A Common Experience

Sabbath Rest: A Common Experience

To many people, the idea of society participating in a common, regular, recurring day of rest appears more appealing and necessary all the time. Businesses, faith communities, and even governments increasingly call for a weekly day of rest from...

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Sabbath Rest and Social Justice

Sabbath Rest and Social Justice

Throughout history, the Sabbath has provided an opportunity to combat and, at least to some degree, dismantle the distinctions of socio-economic status within human society. For example, in the fourth commandment given by God at Mt. Sinai, the...

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Is Sabbath a Christian Holiday?

Is Sabbath a Christian Holiday?

Many religions observe holy days, but the Sabbath—as an entire day of rest from work, yet devoted to worship of God and service to others—is a uniquely Judeo-Christian concept. Its origin dates back to the biblical story of creation week, where God...

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What Day is the Sabbath?

What Day is the Sabbath?

The concept of a weekly day of rest originates in the Genesis creation account. According to Scripture, God created the “heavens and the earth” in six days, and “on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh...

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