Sabbath Observed in Asia Minor

From the end of the eighth century to the twelve century, the Athinganio, or “touch nots” of Phrygia in Asia Minor, were accused of being neither Christians nor Jews because they observed the seventh-day Sabbath but did not practice circumcision.

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Is Sabbath a Christian Holiday?

The Biblical Sabbath has always been the seventh day of the week, what we call Saturday. However, the “Christian Sabbath” is today almost universally recognized as Sunday, the first day of the week. This day of worship dates back to the convergence of religious and political power under the Roman Catholic Church in the middle ages.

What Day is the Sabbath?

The word Sabbath literally means “rest,” and the Bible says that God blessed and sanctified, or set apart as holy, this first Sabbath rest day as a memorial of His finished work of creation. This is why the fourth commandment begins with a call to remember the seventh-day Sabbath rest.